Living the DREAM: Behind the Scenes of the Book PERSONALIZE
Nicki Slaugh Nicki Slaugh

Living the DREAM: Behind the Scenes of the Book PERSONALIZE

Our book: Personalize: Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners. Fate has a funny way of bringing together people with similar views and passions and who would have thought that us working together would lead to me accomplishing my dream in being a published author on something I am wildly passionate about!

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Nicki Slaugh Nicki Slaugh


My driving force, my "why," is simple and unwavering: my students. I'm passionate about teaching them not just what to learn, but how to learn. My goal is to meet all their needs, build meaningful connections, and get them ready for life. Learning should be exciting, informative and fun!

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My 1st Blog Post
Nicki Slaugh Nicki Slaugh

My 1st Blog Post

Welcome to my blog! I am excited to get to know you and for you to get to know me! I am just a woman on a mission to make an impact and share her love and passion for education!

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